At the moment our loyalty program is being developed. We will announce its launch soon. Subscribe to the airline's news to avoid missing out! The loyalty program will allow you to get additional benefits from each flight.

We provide special services for passengers with disabilities, including escorts, boarding and disembarkation assistance, wheelchair access, special meals and other services. Please let us know your needs in advance.

Business Class passengers can enjoy a number of additional privileges such as particularly comfortable seats, special menus with personalized service, the privacy of a separate cabin on the plane, access to airport business lounges, priority service and other amenities.

Expecting a baby is a joyful period in the life of future parents. But the body of the expectant mother is particularly susceptible to pressure changes, airplane movements in the air and turbulence. In addition, the possibility of medical assistance in flight is limited.

You can use the services of an airline if your pregnancy does not exceed 28 weeks. Pregnant women, especially in the last 4-8 weeks of pregnancy and during the first 7 days after childbirth, must have a certificate from the attending physician authorizing the flight.

In this case the airline waives its responsibility to the passenger for adverse consequences that may arise for the pregnant woman and her child during and after transportation.

Women during the last 7 days before childbirth and during the first 7 days after childbirth, as well as newborns, are strongly discouraged from air travel. If a passenger insists on flying, the airline representative or authorized agent must take a receipt from the passenger.

For more information about travel in your situation, we recommend you to go to the section “Passenger categories” or ask everything you need to know from the reservation department when buying a ticket. We will be glad to help you!

According to the rules of our airline, an infant under 2 years of age is carried in the arms of the parents and no separate ticket or baggage allowance is booked for them. If at the request of the accompanying person the child is provided with a separate seat, such a child is transported with a discount from any fare. In this case the amount of discount depends on the fare.

More detailed information is in the section “Passenger categories”.